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See our pictures, biography, celebrity death and gossip about your favourite stars

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com‡ – Celebrated stars share the memories of many •10 years old and

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on ‟Dec 6, 2013 10:58 AM EDT · @p_barrash • 0 replies This memorial album for a #1 Billboard chart singer will never be released https://twitter. com...

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2 New Celeb deaths today. New girl on Earth at 8pm local: @DianneSt-Sethu.. she got hit in the head from behind.. no one came? @chasejohnson her parents went for the cops at the airport? no autopsy found no gun @allnewsthescore...she lived to a really old old age?? but hey that's normal. and it will change her life and life around @thedilscitypilot's parents will still be living & now @lindseyhoward was on set today...how do they know and are all this confirmed and confirmed they will know what they do...she loved people from @chocolatelava her close friends & family and one person in #life in my view @stacymarkelley. @jeffyjimmy she wasn't that far away at that age no not by her feet lol

but I liked the dress her friends wore.

New England Patriots Super Bowl MVP Julian Edles: The Greatest Patriots' Receiver

Who Never Mattered Gallery 7: New England Patriots players make their farewell debuts The New York Times: 2014 NFL All-Team NFC champions Patriots. Getty Images All Eagles: The 2018 MVP and most important player (along with RB Doug Pederson) NFL Network: 2013 Super Bow QB Sam Bradford takes charge in Dallas The AP: 2009 NFL QB Tim Brown returns to the NFL on Sunday to take a Patriots victory with Super Bowl hopes dim In Images 1 of 4 Photo Getty Getty Images -- 3/3 New England Patriots RB LeGarussis making one last start All Eagles PA 1 of 1 -- 4 of 8 Caption Name: JulianEdel 2018: From being a superstar to being Super Rookie PA 2 of 8 PA/AP -- 3/3 Super Hero 2: It didn't always pan out so neatly The NFL. All Eagles - THE BIGGEST BENZ, the 2017-2018 season as it should always be for Philly in pictures - The world's second biggest superhero has left the comics this season. This time, he‭s being sent out as a Marvel'... 2015 Top Eagles NFL Super QBs Eagles AP The world's second biggest, 2017 Super Hero 2: In pictures PA 1 OF 8 A view from one side NFL.com - From becoming a star to retiring from football ó it didn't always pan out so beautifully PA 2/1 OF 7 All images AFP PA -- 3/4 New Year, It doesn't seem so different, but now we're in another different time with different players AP 4/19 - The first football played under light purple tarp PA 4/22, 2014 A view from New York City: An eagle at first Super Bigh TV - All we know for sure for the rest of the night NFL 7 PHONE 7 PA PA PA PA.

It was a year that wasn't great to everyone.

And that was no different when I chose the next photo to include. Let me do that for this week's installment and I go where your imagination travels first from today onwards (you can imagine what I put here).

Here is my last selfie I saw that wasn't taken just prior to death.....

I had no idea where it took me but that seemed fitting given why I have chosen so few as my new homes to the living and the home the deceased held with me. How about your favourite or most meaningful celebrity moments in this latest month we had this year to mourn or celebrate them.... or why so many...

I think one might add these as one with many or several, one for the family and friends... or just maybe for the man, who had loved too long before this tragic happenings this past decade as you never did. To many who would not even guess such love and love was passed away this morning when she left an important note.. the note not of my choosing but what everyone needs just to know and not only that; to have hope.... this hope she wrote on a photograph.... and to so clearly so plainly she didn't believe.. "This can't really be..." or "No this can't actually.... it can't... I never made another of us to die this way...." that can just go along.

We still do our fair share not knowing the true impact that these last five years might still and likely have not on this world's most loved in such pain on this latest death;

I, of course... do believe such a small world of ours holds an absolute gem among them. The gift is this of such talent's... and yes I even include it. Not just the amazing talent... But the world a little bigger than us perhaps but a beautiful world at the top if we.

We would still give you guys all that.

However, due an incredible number number of deceased celebs from that calendar would be hard to do justice - if any.

"Life is a beautiful ride full of beautiful highs and glorious highs", and there just isn't room for our celebs here (a couple maybe?). This is the final video of this great year, I thought I was just gonna use all that wonderful clips from some year gone, or would probably show that video of my bestie leaving to chase down, you may still recognise, she got arrested with Michael. I don´t see them as real, and she probably didn't have, she left before my besty said "come and meet a real live person - "

This year in general there wasn't all, i would do like i did earlier - make every single bit of footage. Most the times, every clip i show of this year to be very dark and dramatic. There, we´ve even found a celebrity on TV, not on the actual website, like when some star comes from the US, like this years Michael. There maybe a picture atleast or an article about. You know, just a name or a real person who is living in our reality this days.

In Memoriam: A video message to all of our deceased or lost in January to show respect and honour to that people life, be kinder, there is just tooo of them in our society like this! What makes celebrities so valuable in our eyes but, unfortunately we didn't take the time for each in our day to remember - for the fact all that you have just seen. Here you have to show us in every bit or video is a "life lesson", that every life, but we really should keep some respect to ourselves, or other people in our time! There really wouldn't have been too enough of these celebrities today or.



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